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Ya tenemos ganador del Concurso Literario en inglés

A finales de este mes de abril hemos celebrado la Semana del Libro en el Colegio Nuestra Señora de Schoenstatt. Han sido unos días para subrayar y recordar a nuestros alumnos la importancia de la lectura a través de diferentes actividades.

La etapa de Educación Secundaria disfrutó del Día de Libro (23 de abril) con una tarde dedicada a los tres grandes géneros literarios: narrativa, teatro y poesía.

Todos los alumnos aprendieron composiciones de poetas universales británicos que recitaron en su lengua original: Rudyard Kipling, William Blake y William Wordsworth, entre otros. Además, las alumnas de 2º de ESO, escribieron y representaron para el resto de compañeros tres obras de teatro que tuvieron un gran éxito de público y crítica.

Finalmente, entregamos los premios del Primer Concurso de Relato Breve en inglés, que el año pasado no pudimos realizar por el confinamiento. El certamen ha sido todo un éxito, con más de cincuenta relatos originales de gran nivel escritos por nuestros alumnos de Educación Secundaria.

Como muestra, os dejamos el relato ganador del certamen, premio que ha sido otorgado a la alumna María Galbete de 3º de ESO.

The mortal cure


If you walk through the streets of London you can still see the red door of Mr. Harrison’s apartment, he was a doctor and every day he went to the hospital at 9am sharp, and came back home at 5pm. He wasn’t married so he didn’t have to hurry, but he was a very punctual man and he liked being on time.


One day he received an unexpected phone call, it was from a secret organization he used to work for when he was younger. When he heard the man’s voice his heart stopped. It was the boss, he wanted him to poison one of his patients or he would blow his cover. It took a few minutes for him to recover his posture, and after thinking it through he realized he had no other option, he had to kill the man. After accepting the job he received instructions to go to an abandoned alley where he would find the poison. It was a really toxic liquid that would slowly kill any person in only a few hours.


When the day came Dr. Harrison followed his routine as usual. If he had learned something in the organization, it was how to murder without being noticed. Because of this he wasn’t really nervous, not until he saw the man. He was tall and strong, however that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that he was accompanied by a woman and two adorable children. He had a family. Nevertheless the man entered in the consultation room and asked for his vaccine. Dr. Harrison asked him to wait while he prepared it. He slowly poured the poison in the vaccine. And with guilt in his heart he carefully injected his patient’s arm. The deed was done.


Fernando de Miguel

Jefe de Estudios de Educación Secundaria